COVID-19 Response

Vaccination Updates

The State of Nebraska has set up a COVID-19 vaccination registration portal.

Here’s how to register:

  • Fill out a short questionnaire.
  • You will receive an email confirming your registration if you provide an email address.
  • When you are selected in the phase you are eligible for, you will receive an email with instructions on how to schedule your vaccination. If you don’t have an email address but enter a phone number, you will be contacted by either text or phone call.


Prioritizing the Safety of Patients and Staff

In preparation for your visit we ask that you review the procedures we have put in place to keep our patients and staff safe as we open the clinic in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are eager to care for our patients in person but want to make sure that we are doing it thoughtfully and in compliance with CDC guidelines. Please read the following procedures carefully to know what to expect at your visit.

  • Patients/Clients will not be waiting in the reception area. To observe strict social distancing guidelines we ask that you contact the clinic by phone or text via Spruce upon arrival. We will notify you when we are ready meet you at the door for temperature screening and bring you back to your room.
  • All patients/clients will be required to wear a mask at all times while in the facility. If patients do not have a mask, one will be provided.
  • All patients/clients will use hand sanitizer upon entering the facility.
  • In order to limit the number of people in the facility, we will continue to offer telehealth visits as an option.
  • For visits which must take place in person, our staff will contact you via phone prior to the office visit to screen you for COVID-19 symptoms.
  • In order to limit the number of people in the office we will not allow companions for patients/clients unless considered necessary for the visit.
  • We will not be performing COVID-19 testing at Element. If a patient is requesting care for upper respiratory symptoms or screens positive on the screening checklist he/she will be triaged via telehealth by provider and/or directed to a local testing site.

We look forward to seeing you in the clinic and are available to answer any questions or ease any concerns you may have. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your provider by texting via Spruce or calling (402)226-5211.

In order to be more available to our patients, we now use Spruce as our main form of communication.
Existing patients should direct their questions to the Spruce app for the most timely response.