Andrea Taylor


Andrea Taylor is the author of Customer Disservice; Untold Stories of Customer Services Representatives that Would Do Better If They Knew Better. She has earned both her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Healthcare Administration. After losing her father to cancer, Andrea has committed all of her passion to her service in healthcare. She currently works as the Director of  Operations for Element Primary Care, while also working at Hope Lodge Cancer Facility.

With over 30 years of practice and 20 years of management in customer service, Andrea is an authority in the field. She has garnered her vast experience working in a variety of environments, including call centers, hospitals, long-term care facilities, and restaurants. Her philosophy is: It’s not what you do that matters; it is about who you are.” Andrea’s positive and empowering attitude is appreciated by everyone she encounters in both her personal and professional lives.

Having spent most of her career interacting with customers, Andrea has seen it all.  Through observations and interactions, she can recognize which employees go out of their way  to improve the customer’s experience. She exudes an aura of proficiency, professionalism, and stunning humility, all of which are vital in serving others.

Andrea passes her wealth of experience and knowledge through her book to call centers’ agents, organizations, and persons who are the point of contact for customers. In her spare time, she is passionate about spending quality time with her children, serving others, inspirational dance, and traveling.